30 October 2008

Don't forget RMC!

The News:
Some new work of mine has been published but I've been a lazy sloth telling all y'all about it. "Good Etiquette" was in poetic diversity, a nice ezine with cool animes. I like the bio they made for me. "Four Katas" were published and Ink, Sweat & Tears -- one of my favorite sites with genius editor Charles Christian. Here's a dirty one called "Up the Park" -- is it based on reality? -- that was put out by the Yellow Mama. 

Also in the News:
Andy Riverbed has vowed to translate some of my poems into Spanish (a language I do not know enough of to translate into) and there's a rumor going around that he may even read a few and record it for our eyes at youtube/revver and such. 

Thanks for posting me on a Korean website: http://alcoholism.egloos.com/1684657

One more thing:

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